Daronmont ensures supportability is integrated into every design solution and has over 20 years’ experience supporting Defence capability.

- Air
- Land
- Sea
- Homeland Security
- R&D
Focus Areas
ILS and Acquisition
Our ILS capabilities include the successful implementation of ILS programs during Acquisition that are underpinned by Logistic Support Analysis (LSA) activities such as:
- Failure Modes, Effects and Criticality Analysis (FMECA)
- Reliability Centred Maintenance (RCM)
- Maintenance Task Analysis (MTA)
- Level of Repair Analysis (LORA)
- Sparing analysis
These LSA activities lead to the development of ILS artifacts such as technical publications, codification data and training packages depending on the individual projects.
ILS and Sustainment
Our ILS capabilities enable us to deliver the full range of Support Services:
- Operating Support - Daronmont operates help desk services to provide support to operators and maintainers of systems and equipment.
- Engineering Support - Daronmont provides engineering support services such as:
- Configuration Management
- Engineering Investigations
- Engineering Changes
- System Safety Engineering
- Maintenance Support - Daronmont has the capability to provide OM and DM mission system maintenance, which includes the repair of Daronmont designed items and currently provides Field Service Representative (FSR) personnel to select projects.
- Supply Support - Daronmont provides supply support services such as:
- Procurement
- Stock Assessment
- Codification and Cataloguing
- Packaging
- Warehousing and Distribution
- Obsolescence Management
- Training Support - Daronmont develop and deliver operator and/or maintainer training courses for systems and equipment.

Creating Enduring Advantage
We specialise in fixed and deployable communications, surveillance, C4 and electronics for Defence and Homeland Security agencies.