Daronmont has a long history of supporting Air Force and Navy ABM and LINK 11/16 training. ABM training systems include REALMS, the Surveillance and Control Training Unit (SACTU) Air Defence Ground Environment Computer Aided Trainer (ADGECAT) and Air Mission Training System (AMTS) Air Warfare Simulator (AWSIM). The RAN uses both DLTS 11 and 16 to train its LINK system operators.

- Air
- Land
- Sea
- Homeland Security
- R&D
Focus Areas
Training Systems - REALMS
REALMS delivers a multi-site, multi-mission training system that can be reconfigured daily to meet the evolving needs of the Air Battle Management (ABM) Operator for individual training and collective exercises.
Through simulation, ABM Operators are able to test and develop Tactics, Techniques and Procedures (TTPs) in a way that can’t be achieved through live scenarios.
REALMS is application agnostic and is able to concurrently run missions at different classifications / caveats and with different software products, versions, configurations and mission profiles. These can be in independent or interconnected environments depending on the scenario and use case.
Our Training Systems For 41 Wing
We have long supported 41 Wing and Surveillance and Control Training Unit (SACTU) with training systems, including:
- Air Defence Ground Environment Computer Aided Trainer (ADGECAT)
- Air Warfare Simulator (AWSIM)
- In 2021 we delivered the REALMS Training System incorporating the ASCOT simulation product from Plexsys.
Our ongoing Spiral Sustainment Agreement (SSA) with the Surveillance & Control Systems Program Office (S&CSPO) has expanded the scope of the supported systems.
Our Battlespace Simulation Training Systems
Through our work providing and supporting ABM Simulation Systems we have gained significant experience configuring, adapting and integrating several Battlespace Simulation and Training products, including:
- Australian Defence Pilot Simulator Interface (PSI) and TAARDIS After-Action Review
- RadioActive Synthetic Communications
- PLEXSYS Interface Products ASCOT 5 and ASCOT 7
- US Navy’s Next Generation Threat System
- Defence Training and Experimentation Network
- Distributed Interactive Simulation (DIS) Protocol

Training Systems - DLTS
The DLTS (Daronmont Link Training Suite) in the culmination of two years development effort by Daronmont staff who recognised an unmet need for Link 11 and Link 16 procedural training systems for RAAF and RAN Link operators. Following a Link 11 system sale to the RAN in 2010 and a Link 11/16 system sale to the ADFTA in 2012 DLTS is now a product.
The DLTS is a system used to train the operators of Link 11 and Link 16 networks to establish and maintain the Link 11 or Link 16 connection. DLTS can be used as a standalone “procedural” trainer or a networked “system” trainer. DLTS is designed to run on COTS hardware and operating systems.
Students use the system for stand-alone procedural training and wide area networked training with other students. Instructors use a fault injection application to simulate typical hardware and atmospheric problems for students to work around.
Students can use their workstation as a procedural trainer, to learn the process involved in setting up and participating in a Link 11 or 16 network, then move onto a classroom wide Link network with other participants, and then across WAN to students at other defence agencies for Joint Training.
For Link Instructors, the DLTS comes with a fault injection application that allows Instructors to inject typical hardware and atmospheric problems into the DLTS. For example Instructors can cause the radio transmitter or other equipment on a student’s workstation to fail. Students analyse the information they have and how the system is behaving to determine the cause of and correct faults in the Link network.
Daronmont Link 11 Training Suite
The Daronmont Link 11 Training Suite (DLTS11) provides Link 11 training to combat system operators and data link managers. Each student station acts as a Link 11 data link node. All stations are connected via a classroom wide simulated RF network.
The DLTS11 simulates all elements of a Link 11 capable platform:
- Radios (HF and UHF)
- Radio Switch Matrix
- Data Terminal Set (DTS)
- KG40 Crypto
- Text-Based Voice Communications
- Link Monitoring System (LMS)
- Combat Data System
- Data Extraction Reduction Guide (DERG) Display
- DTS Digital Interface, including Modem
System Features:
- Joint Operations Training
- Student and Teacher Roles
- Fault Injection
- Built-in Scenarios
- Distributed Interactive Simulation (DIS) input
The DLTS11 provides training in all aspects of Link 11 operations including:
- Setup Radio Frequency
- Establish Voice Communications
- Load Crypto
- Single and Multi-Station POFA Tests
- NCS and PICKET setup
- Host TDF Setup and use (Graphical and DERG views)
- Net Sync (CLEW and SLEW)
- Net Test (CLEW and SLEW)
- DTS Polling and responses
Daronmont Link 16 Training Suite
The Daronmont Link 16 Training Suite (DLTS16) provides Link 16 training to combat system operators and data link managers. Each student station acts as a Link 16 data link node. All stations are connected via a classroom wide simulated RF network.
The DLTS16 simulates all elements of a Link 16 capable platform:
- Multifunctional Information Distributions System (MIDS) and Rack
- Data Link Processor (DLP)
- Text-Based Voice Communications
- Joint Range Extension Application Protocol (JREAP) Communications
- Host – Combat Data System
- Digital Extraction Reduction Guide (DERG) Display
DLTS16 uses the .pf MIDS load file format. Operational network loads can be loaded into DLTS16 and tested.
The DLTS16 provides training in all aspects of Link 16 operations including:
- Loading and Editing the Load File
- Contents of the Load File, including Timeslot Data
- Starting the MIDS Terminal and MIDS Mini-Rack
- Connecting the DLP to the MIDS
- Host TDF Setup and Use
- DERG Display
- JREAP-C Communication
- Forwarding between the JREAP-C and MIDS Interfaces
Multi-Link Training
Using both DLTS11 and DLTS16 it is possible to forward between one Link and the other. In a classroom network some students can run DLTS11 and others DLTS16, one student can configure their system to be a forwarding node between the two networks.
System Features:
- Joint Operations Training
- Student and Teacher Roles
- Fault Injection
- Built-in Scenarios
- Distributed Interactive Simulation (DIS) input

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